On Friday, Farhan Akhtar hosted a party at his house in Bandra and it was attended by many celebs. Katrina Kaif with Vicky Kaushal, Farhan's partner Ritesh Sidhwani with his wife, Karan Johar and Chunky Pandey were clicked entering the party venue. While the reason for the party remains unknown, it was indeed a starry night. For the party, Katrina Kaif opted for a pretty floral short dress and paired it with block heels. Vicky Kaushal went for a dapper look and wore a white shirt with denim. Karan Johar looked handsome in a black suit.
Chunkey Pandey opted for an olive-green shirt and denim. While Ritesh Sidhwani went for a casual look, his wife chose a skirt and tank top.
Check out the photos of the celebs who attended Farhan Akhtar's party:
Farhan Akhtar got married to Shibani Dandekar on February 19 and it was a private affair. Hrithik Roshan, Farah Khan, Rhea Chakraborty, and Ritesh Sidhwani were on the guest list. Farhan had shared photos from his wedding and had captioned them as "A few days ago, @shibanidandekar & I celebrated our union and we are deeply grateful to all those who did respect our need for privacy on the day. The celebration however, is incomplete without sharing some precious moments with you and seeking your blessings as we begin our journey across the skies of time, together. With love from us to you."
Check out the photos:
For the wedding, Shibani Dandekar had worn a pretty pink gown and Farhan had made a dapper entry in a black tuxedo. On February 24, they got their wedding registered and hosted a party at their house in Bandra.
On the work front, Farhan Akhtar was last seen in Toofan.