This Article is From Oct 25, 2013

Peter Jackson to take break from Hollywood blockbusters

Peter Jackson to take break from Hollywood blockbusters

A still from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey


  • Director Peter Jackson wants to take a break from making Hollywood blockbusters once he is done with The Hobbit trilogy.
  • Jackson, who has helmed The Lord of the Rings series and The Hobbit trilogy, wants to come up with some projects based in New Zealand, reported Huffington Post.
  • The New Zealand filmmaker along with Fran Walsh and many others have written the screenplay of the fantasy series. "We have got a few bits and pieces that we are working on, Fran and I. We just want to step off the Hollywood blockbuster thing for a while and we've had a few New Zealand stories in line for a while that we think would make great films," Jackson said.
  • "In some respects in terms of my remaining filmmaking career, this was a five-year chunk that was kind of taken out of it unexpectedly. My future is five years less than I thought it was. I thought if I am going to do that I am actually going to enjoy it. I am going to have fun. Hopefully, that is reflected on the screen, too," he added.
Los Angeles: Director Peter Jackson wants totake a break from making Hollywood blockbusters once he isdone with The Hobbit trilogy.

Jackson, who has helmed The Lord of the Rings seriesand The Hobbit trilogy, wants to come up with some projectsbased in New Zealand, reported Huffington Post.

The New Zealand filmmaker along with Fran Walsh and manyothers have written the screenplay of the fantasy series."We have got a few bits and pieces that we are workingon, Fran and I. We just want to step off the Hollywoodblockbuster thing for a while and we've had a few New Zealandstories in line for a while that we think would make greatfilms," Jackson said.

"In some respects in terms of my remaining filmmakingcareer, this was a five-year chunk that was kind of taken outof it unexpectedly. My future is five years less than Ithought it was. I thought if I am going to do that I amactually going to enjoy it. I am going to have fun. Hopefully,that is reflected on the screen, too," he added.