Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden are busy promoting their upcoming web series Citadel in India. On Tuesday, the makers organized Asia Pacific Premiere for the celebs in Mumbai. For the event, Priyanka opted for a thigh-high printed teal dress with a trail, while Richard looked dapper in a black pant-suit set. At the premiere, Varun Dhawan, who is starring in the Indian version of Citadel with Samantha Ruth Prabhu, was also spotted with the director duo Raj Nidimoru and Krishna D.K. Other celebs who attended the blue carpet event were Rekha, Neha Dhupia, Rakul Preet Singh, Sanya Malhotra, Nora Fatehi, Saqib Saleem, producer Siddharth Roy Kapur and others.
Meanwhile, during the promotions of Citadel, Richard Madden opened up about working with Priyanka Chopra. He said, "I loved working with Priyanka every day because she keeps me present. We both prepare properly before we engage in something. I can overthink things and Priyanka was always great at ringing me right back into the room and being so present and allowing us to really play together. That's kind of in many ways like the characters in the show," the Scottish star said on Monday at the Asia-Pacific press conference of Citadel.
He added, "We balance each other out beautifully and bring out the best in each other and couldn't ask for a better dancing partner."
Produced by Russo Brothers, the action-thriller will release on Amazon Prime Video on April 28.