TV star Nia Sharma turned 30 on Thursday and she did it in style. Sharing a glimpse of her fun-filled birthday celebrations, Nia posted a video of herself cutting her birthday cakes (there were 18) along with pictures from the festivities. She wrote in her birthday special post: "Birthday has been like a festival. Every year since the last 10, fills my eyes up and heart with pride. Immense gratitude and shall forever be indebted to each and every one who has made every birthday and every occasion so f#%**g special every f*%%ng time. Thank you for everything. I'm spoilt. Cake count 18."
Check out Nia Sharma's post here:
Nia also posted a video from her birthday festivities along with her friend, in which she can be seen dancing her heart out. "Mera Happy Budday," she wrote.
Nia Sharma trended big time after winning the 11th season of the reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi - Made In India. Posting a picture with the show's host Rohit Shetty, Nia wrote:"Khatron Ke Khiladi - Made In India jeet gayi. Thank you, Colors TV for this beautiful opportunity. Rohit Shetty, you're the Bawseeeeeee! Sunil Rodrigues (the show's stunts coordinator) and Karan Wahi (the first runner-up), respect." The special Made in India edition of the show featured celebrities, who participated in the previous seasons of Khatron Ke Khiladi.
Nia Sharma became a household name after she starred as Maanvi in the TV show Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai. She also starred in shows like Jamaai Raja, Kaali - Ek Agnipariksha and Kumkum Bhagya. She also featured in Comedy Nights Bachao season 2. Nia also starred in the web-series Twisted.