Bollywood actor-producer Dia Mirza married producer Sahil Sangha in an extravagant ceremony in New Delhi on October 18. (In pics - Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein: Dia, Sahil)
While the former beauty queen from Hyderabad looked stunning in a green and blue Ritu Kumar sharara paired with a long gold jacket, Sahil looked dapper in a Raghavendra Rathore cream achkan. A smiling Sahil escorted Dia as she stepped out from the car.
Showing her mehendi
The couple is likely to host a grand reception ceremony in Mumbai for their friends in the film fraternity.
Dia's wedding festivities began with a mehendi ceremony on October 16, followed by a sangeet ceremony on October 17 in Delhi.
Dia took to Twitter to share a picture of her mehendi ceremony. She posted:
With my happiness :) thank you to all those who have conveyed such warm messages here. Sahil and I are grateful.
- Dia Mirza (@deespeak) October 16, 2014
The actress looked resplendent on her sangeet ceremony in a a blue and gold Anita Dongre lehenga.
Dia co-owns a production house Born Free Entertainment along with Sahil Sangha.
Sahil proposed Dia in New York in April this year, after dating her for five years.
Here's wishing the couple a happy married life!