Pooja Bhatt's Instagram posts never fail to impress us, be it sharing lovely throwback pictures from her family photo archive or posting extensive notes. Her latest post is not an exception. On Tuesday, Pooja shared greyscale throwback pictures of herself along with Richa Chadha from the sets of Cabaret with a dash of her signature humour. Pooja Bhatt, who has produced the film, made a cheeky reference to the delay in the film's release in her post and she wrote: "Lovely photos but I can assure you it took more than the right shade of lipstick and us both putting on a pout to get the film out." In the photographs, both the actresses can be seen pouting and they look absolutely stunning. "Throwback to a fun shoot with for Cabaret," Pooja Bhatt added in her caption.
Take a look at Pooja Bhatt's post here:
Starring Richa Chadha in the lead role and directed by Kaustav Narayan Niyogi, Cabaret was initially slated to hit the screens in 2016. However, the film's release was rescheduled after there was an alleged copyright violation. After much ado, the film released on Zee's digital platform on January 9, 2019.
Speaking of the film's release on a digital platform, Pooja Bhatt, in an interview with news agency IANS, said: "What I thought then was a roadblock turned out to be the universe conspiring to give Cabaret a platform that represents the future, which is now. The satellite and digital space is where the audience for Cabaret lies. A discerning lot who don't rush to the cinema hall on the first day, first show and prefer instead to consume their entertainment at their time and comfort."
Cabaret also features Richa Chadha's Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela co-star Gulshan Devaiah, Gulshan Grover, and S Sreesanth in pivotal roles.