Actress Pranitha Subhash is on cloud nine. The star recently turned mother to a lovely baby girl. The actress, who is married to Nitin Raju, shared the happy news on Instagram over the weekend. Now she has made our Sunday sweeter by dropping a video of her pregnancy journey. The video features several precious moments, starting from Pranitha Subhash undergoing an ultrasound test. This is followed by a clip of Nitin kissing Pranitha's baby bump. The video even takes us into Pranitha's delivery room and shows the actress welcoming her bundle of joy. Soon Pranitha's family is also seen with the baby girl.
Sharing the video, Pranitha Subhash dropped just an evil eye amulet emoji in the caption. She also added the song A Thousand Years in the background. Watch the video here:
On Saturday, Pranitha Subhash also shared a beautiful image of herself from the hospital, cradling her baby. In the caption, she explained her journey of motherhood and said, “The last few days have been surreal, ever since our baby girl was born. I was really lucky to have a gynaecologist mom, (Dr Jayashri) but for her, this was the hardest time emotionally. Thankfully we had Dr Sunil Ishwar and his team at Aster Rv that made sure my delivery was smooth. Also wanted to thank Dr Subbu, our anaesthetist and his team who made sure the process was as less painful as possible.”
Read the complete note here:
Just a week before her pregnancy, Pranitha Subhash posed in a black bodycon dress and a hat for some stunning photos. In the caption, she shared her state of mind and said, “Last set for now. Embracing every pound of weight, every stretch mark, my pumpkin face n the big nose. All that pelvic pain, heart burns n fatigue while I tell myself it's all worth it.”
Pranitha Subhash is known for her work in films such as Porki, Attarintiki Daredi, Hungama 2 and Bhuj: The Pride of India, among others.