A special screening of the Salman Khan-produced film Notebook was organised in Mumbai on Wednesday night. The film, which marks the Bollywood debut of Pranutan and Zaheer Iqbal, was attended by several Bollywood A-listers (but more about that later). Pranutan, who is the grand daughter of legendary actress Nutan and the daughter of actor Mohnish Bahl, was well-represented by her family. Kajol and Tanishaa Mukerji, who happen to be Mohnish Bahl's cousins (and Pranutan's aunts), arrived at the film's screening dressed in colour-coordinated outfits. Kajol, Tanishaa and Mohnish Bahl were seen catching up at the screening and the trio even posed together for the shutterbugs.
Meanwhile, Notebook producer Salman Khan posed with film's lead actors Pranutan and Zaheer Iqbal at the screening.
Besides Salman Khan and Pranutan's families, the guest also comprised Salman Khan's close friends and colleagues from the film industry. Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Sonakshi Sinha, Jacqueline Fernandez and Kriti Sanon were present at the screening.
Sonakshi made a chic statement in a printed dress, while Jacqueline opted for a casual white top and a pair of denims. Luka Chuppi actress Kriti Sanon looked pretty in a pastel dress.
Salman Khan's father Salim Khan was photographed arriving at the screening.
The men's section was well-represented by Salman Khan's close friends and his Race 3 co-stars Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol. Salman's brother Sohail Khan and his brother-in-law Aayush Sharma also attended the screening.
Vatsal Sheth, Fukrey actor Varun Sharma and singer Mohit Chauhan were also present at the film's screening.
Notebook has been directed by Nitin Kakkar and it has been produced under Salman Khan's production house Salman Khan Films. The film will open in theaters on Friday.