Sanjay Dutt celebrated his 60th birthday on Monday and to make the occasion extra special, the makers of his upcoming film Prasthanam released the much-awaited teaser of the movie on the Internet. It is not wrong to say that it is one of Sanjay Dutt's best birthday gifts to his fans. The almost one-minute long video begins with visuals of Sanjay Dutt entering a room with his voice in the background narrating: "Agar haq doge toh Ramayan shuru hogi, aur agar chhinoge toh Mahabharat." The video further shows clips of Manisha Koirala, Chunky Panday, Jackie Shroff, Ali Fazal and Amyra Dastur.
The teaser also shows Sanjay Dutt's journey as a politician. Sanjay Dutt's look in the teaser, in which he can be seen sporting a black kurta-pyjama set, red tilak and a gold chain, kind of reminds us of his 1999 film Vaastav, in which he played the role of a gangster. Sharing the film's teaser on his Instagram profile, Sanjay Dutt wrote: "Witness the war for power with #Prasthanam! Proudly presenting the #PrasthanamTeaser. In Cinemas on 20th September 2019!"
Now, check out the teaser of Prasthanam here:
Earlier in the day, Sanjay Dutt was photographed at the teaser launch of Prasthanam in Juhu. He was accompanied by Maanayata Dutt, Manisha Koirala, Jackie Shroff and Ali Fazal. Take a look:
Prasthanam is the Hindi remake of the Telugu film of the same name. The original 2010 film featured Sharwanand and Sai Kumar in main roles. Directed by Deva Katta and produced by Maanayata Dutt (wife of Sanjay Dutt), Prasthanam will open in theatres on September 20 this year.