Anand Ahuja delighted his Instafam with "no-filter" pictures of wife Sonam Kapoor on Thursday. In the pictures, Sonam Kapoor can be seen chilling on a couch. Sonam Kapoor's OOTD was a white shirt and a pair of pants. Sharing the pictures, Anand Ahuja wrote in his caption: "Love every moment." He accompanied the post with the hashtags #nofilter and #portraitmode. In the comments section wrote: "I'm a whale." The couple are currently staying in London. On Wednesday, Sonam Kapoor's baby shower took place in the presence of friends and family members.
See Anand Ahuja's post here:
We also got a glimpse of Sonam Kapoor's baby shower in London. Leo Kalyan, who performed at the Baby shower, shared pictures and videos from Sonam Kapoor's baby shower and captioned the post: "A spice girl in Bollywood. I just performed at Sonam Kapoor's baby shower. What is life?"
Parents-to-be Anand Ahuja and Sonam Kapoor love to share posts from their lives in London, often accompanied by their signature hashtag #Everydayphenomenal.
Here's another mushy post.
Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja, after dating for a couple of years, got married in May 2018 in Mumbai. They had a star-studded wedding and reception. Anand Ahuja runs the fashion label Bhane and the sneaker boutique VegNonVeg.
In terms of work, Sonam Kapoor had a cameo in Netflix's thriller AK vs AK, starring her dad Anil Kapoor and filmmaker Anurag Kashyap. She was last seen in the 2019 film The Zoya Factor, co-starring Dulquer Salmaan and Angad Bedi. The actress will next be seen in the Shome Makhija's film Blind.