Prince Harry caused controversy when nude photographs of him playing strip billiards with a bevy of beauties were published on-line
Los Angeles:
The Sin City has hit a jackpot!Prince Harry's naked pictures gave Las Vegas a whopping USD 23million worth of free publicity, as the images were seen by154 million people.
The 28-year-old royal caused controversy when nudephotographs of him playing strip billiards with a bevy ofbeauties were published on-line in August.
Though Harry is yet to recover his dignity from images ofhis now-infamous game of "strip billiards", the city's tourismboard has estimated the scandal's publicity value for LasVegas at USD 23 million.
According to a new report issued by the Las VegasConvention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA), the incident hasgiven the city a major tourism boost as the images were seenby an estimated 154 million people.
"God bless Prince Harry. He made us a bunch of money,"TMZ.com quoted LVCVA Board Chairman Tom Collins as saying arecent board meeting.The city rolled the dice on a tourism campaign pegged tothe TMZ's posting of cell phone pictures of Prince Harry'cavorting' with women in the buff in his USD 8,000-a-nightsuite at the Wynn and Encore hotel.
The agency is reportedly unsure of exactly how much thescandal boosted profits, but officials said that there is nodoubt that the scandal had a positive effect on their economy.
The 28-year-old royal caused controversy when nudephotographs of him playing strip billiards with a bevy ofbeauties were published on-line in August.
Though Harry is yet to recover his dignity from images ofhis now-infamous game of "strip billiards", the city's tourismboard has estimated the scandal's publicity value for LasVegas at USD 23 million.
According to a new report issued by the Las VegasConvention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA), the incident hasgiven the city a major tourism boost as the images were seenby an estimated 154 million people.
"God bless Prince Harry. He made us a bunch of money,"TMZ.com quoted LVCVA Board Chairman Tom Collins as saying arecent board meeting.The city rolled the dice on a tourism campaign pegged tothe TMZ's posting of cell phone pictures of Prince Harry'cavorting' with women in the buff in his USD 8,000-a-nightsuite at the Wynn and Encore hotel.
The agency is reportedly unsure of exactly how much thescandal boosted profits, but officials said that there is nodoubt that the scandal had a positive effect on their economy.