Seems like Malayalam actress Priya Prakash Varrier has always been a great poser and her latest Instagram post totally corroborates the fact. No, Priya did not wink again but she did share a million dollar throwback picture of herself from her childhood days. Priya shared the post with her 6 million followers on Instagram, of which over 2 lakh fans liked it. In the photograph, the 18-year old actress can be seen posing for the camera and needless to say she looks super cute. Apart from Priya's priceless expressions in the picture, we also loved her caption. She wrote: "Posing game going strong since forever." Several comments such as "She was born beautiful," "Expression queen since childhood" and "the cuteness continues" have been posted on Priya's picture.
Take a look at the post here, you can thank us later:
Priya Prakash Varrier became an overnight Internet sensation after a clip from the song Manikya Malaraya Poovi from the film Oru Adaar Love went insanely viral in February this year. In the viral video, Priya can be seen flirting with a fellow student (co-star Roshan Abdul Rahoof), who was as overwhelmed by her wink.
Watch the video here:
Priya Prakash booked a spot on the trends lists in March this year, after she shared a grey scale picture of herself smiling and captioned it: "She was life itself. Wild and free. Wonderfully chaotic. A perfectly put together mess."
Here is the picture we are talking about:
Priya Prakash Varrier made her debut with Omar Lulu's Oru Adaar Love, which released in June this year. Priya talked about her work plans in an Instagram post and mentioned that she's getting many film offers but she cannot take up another project till August as she has to continue filming Oru Adaar Love. "At the moment I'm getting a lot of offers from various industries. I would not be able to do any other films until August as we have not completed Oru Adaar Love yet," she wrote.