Nick Jonas' brother Joe and his fiancee Sophie Turner (Games Of Thrones actress) touched down in India on Monday, ahead of the singer's wedding to actress Priyanka Chopra. The couple were pictured at the Mumbai airport and they smiled for the paparazzi. Later in the evening, the cameras spotted Joe with Nick in Juhu. The Jonas brothers were casually dressed in black. Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra will marry in December. The other members from Nick's family are expected to arrive in India just before the festivities begin. During Priyanka and Nick's roka in Mumbai in August, he was only accompanied by parents Kevin and Denise.
The groom-to-be landed in India last week and his first stop was New Delhi, where Priyanka was filming The Sky Is Pink. The couple together celebrated Thanksgiving in Delhi and flew to Mumbai over the weekend.
Before leaving Delhi, team The Sky Is Pink hosted an intimate pre-wedding party for Priyanka and Nick. Pictures from the party were shared by producer Sidharth Roy Kapur's production house on social media.
Love, laughter and happily ever after to the beautiful bride-to-be!#TheSkyisPink @priyankachopra @nickjonas #SiddharthRoyKapur #ShonaliBose @RSVPMovies #champagnecelebrations #BTS #delhischedule #delhidays #winterwarmth
— Roy Kapur Films (@roykapurfilms) November 24, 2018
Meanwhile, ahead of the wedding, Priyanka's Mumbai home has been beautifully decorated with lights. In the evening, Priyanka was also photographed in Juhu outside her mother Madhu Chopra's office.
Priyanka Chopra, 36, and Nick Jonas, 26, have finalised Mehrangarh Fort for their pre-wedding festivities while the main ceremony will take place at the Umaid Bhawan Palace on December 2. The couple will reportedly marry in a Christian ceremony and later, a wedding as per Hindu rituals.
Priyanka and Nick's roka ceremony was a closed-knit affair, in which only their families and the actress' close friends were there.
After the wedding, Priyanka is expected to soon resume filming The Sky Is Pink.