Priyanka Chopra arrived in Hyderabad on Thursday evening. Pictures and videos of the Desi Girl actor flooded social media. In the pictures, Priyanka Chopra wears a beige-coloured hoodie and a cap. She can be seen walking calmly in the video.
A few reports suggest that Priyanka is in Hyderabad to participate in a grand announcement for RRR director SS Rajamouli's upcoming film, starring Mahesh Babu.
Reacting to the video, a fan wrote in the comments section, "I'm literally praying to God that Priyanka must be the female character of ssmb29 movie." Another comment read, "I hope she's finalised.. That'd be seriously epic."
If reports are to be believed, the film will also mark Priyanka Chopra's comeback to Telugu cinema after 23 years.
She was a part of P Ravi Shankar's 2002 romantic drama Apuroopam. Her last Hindi release was Shonali Bose's The Sky Is Pink in 2016.
Priyanka Chopra was recently spotted on the set of the Jonas brothers' upcoming film in Canada.
E News stated that the actress will be sharing screen space with her husband, Nick Jonas, and his brothers, Joe and Kevin Jonas, and the movie is scheduled to release in 2025 end.
In the other series of pictures, Priyanka and Nick are seen walking in ths snow. The caption read, "Priyanka and Nick on set of the Jonas Brothers new Christmas movie in Toronto, Canada."
Up next, Priyanka will share the screen with Idris Elba and John Cena in Ilya Naishuller's action comedy, titled Heads of State. She will also be seen in the action film by Frank E Flower, The Bluff, along with Karl Urban.