Priyanka Chopra, who was recently in Delhi for an event, opened up about her "dream of playing a man," being a part of Broadway theatre and "turning tables" through her show Quantico, reports news agency IANS. The 36-year-old Bollywood actress who has carved a niche for herself not only in the American television industry but also in Hollywood, talked about her future plans and told IANS: "It's my dream to be able to play a man... That's the next thing I want to do." Priyanka also mentioned that she loves watching Broadway whenever she is in New York and that she has a desire to feature in a Broadway show.
The actress also stated how playing Alex Parrish was very similar to playing a man. "Alex to me is an unapologetic modern female who lives life on her terms. She is extremely flawed, she's not perfect, she's a loner, she doesn't like people, and she only uses people... So, she's basically playing a man, which is awesome, because girls don't get to play that... And I was like yes, we get to turn the tables," IANS quoted her as saying.
Priyanka Chopra, who is the first South Asian woman to headline the cast of an American television show, talked about how her portrayal of Alex Parrish has helped in "turning tables" and added, "I am playing characters which have nothing to do with my ethnicity and I feel it will open the door for Indian talent or South Asian talent to become mainstream... Why do we play the sidekicks? I want to play the leading lady and I am not going to compromise on it."
Priyanka, who wrapped the final season of Quantico, shared an emotional note about the show over the weekend.
Check out the post here:
On the work front, Priyanka Chopra's next Hindi film will be Shonali Bose's The Sky Is Pink alongside Farhan Akhtar. In the film, she will be seen playing a mother to a 13-year-old girl. Meanwhile, Priyanka also has Hollywood films such as Isn't It Romantic? and A Kid Like Jake in the pipeline. She will reportedly star in Cowboy Ninja Viking opposite Chris Pratt.
(With inputs from IANS)