Global star Priyanka Chopra is her husband Nick Jonas' biggest cheerleader and her latest Instagram entry will further prove it. On Sunday, Priyanka Chopra posted a bunch of photos from Nick's New York concert and congratulated him for beginning the tour on a high note. Calling the first show, "seamless and awe-inspiring," the Citadel star said she and their daughter Malti Marie are lucky to have him. Priyanka Chopra treated her fans to her and Nick's looks from the first day of the concert. However, our heart is set on this frame featuring Priyanka, holding Malti Marie in her arms while dad Nick tries to put a headset on her tiny head.
Sharing the images, Priyanka Chopra wrote, "You are a magnet @nickjonas MM and I are so lucky to have you Congratulations on the start of an incredible tour. You're all in for a huge ride! Let's gooooo! Great job JB team the Band, and the crew. The show was seamless and awe-inspiring. Round 2 tonight!"
This is what Priyanka Chopra posted:
Actor-singer Nick Jonas also shared several photos including some with his wife and daughter. In the first photo, Nick was seen posing with Malti Marie as she sat on a stool near the drum set with drumsticks in her hand, while he held her from behind.
Nick Jonas' caption read, "From sound check to the stage with my girls. Yankees night one was beyond words. Can't wait for night two tonight."
Take a look at his post below:
Here are some inside videos of Priyanka Chopra mingling with the fans at the concert:
Priyanka Chopra celebrated her 41st birthday on July 18. To wish his beautiful wife, Nick Jonas posted a romantic picture with Priyanka Chopra on his Instagram. They are sitting on a yacht. Keeping the caption short and sweet, Nick wrote, "I love celebrating you. Happy birthday my love" and posted a heart emoji along with a celebratory emoji with it. Designer Falguni Peacock wished Priyanka a happy birthday on Nick's post. She commented, "Happy Birthday Priyanka!" and dropped a few heart emojis with it.
Take a look at the post here:
Priyanka Chopra married Nick Jonas in 2018. They welcomed their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas in January 2022. Malti Marie was born through surrogacy.