Twitter also offered several glimpses of Priyanka on the red carpet, revealing that she needed help to hold up the never-ending train of her trench coat gown. Twitter said Priyanka's new take on the trench coat reminded them of an uber-stylish Inspector Gadget and gaming cartoon Carmen Sandiego. For a brief while, Priyanka was accompanied by singer-songwriter Nick Jonas on the red carpet and Twitter also loved them together.
The verdict on social media: Twitter has unanimously agreed to give Priyanka Chopra's Met Gala outfit full marks.
Priyanka Chopra looks like a spy showing up to a black tie affair and it's giving me LIFE #MetGala
— Dustin McManus (@TheRealDustinM) May 1, 2017
@BJTHESURFERGIRL Aye everyone except Priyanka chopra.. you seen my her guess jacket? It's like I'm here to spy and hide but also make a statement
— Luxe Bailey (@OhhLorren) May 2, 2017
I am so glad she went with the theme. And boyyyy is she killing it! She looks gorgeous as ever #MetGala #PriyankaChopra
—(@niiikkiiix) May 1, 2017
Thanks to twitter, I got to see Priyanka Chopra's amazing met gala look. Stunner!
— Lisa Jacobson (@ljacobson) May 2, 2017
BRB, just picking our jaws off the floor! @priyankachopra #PCatMetGala2017 #MetGala
— Team Priyanka Chopra (@TeamPriyanka) May 1, 2017
Priyanka Chopra - man, when does she not look good? #MetGala
— Sarah Tinoco (@SarahJTinoco) May 1, 2017
Looking like an Indian #CarmenSanDiego @priyankachopra and I'm living for it. #MetGala
— Evan Burke (@EvanSeanBurke) May 1, 2017
Here's a video of Priyanka Chopra arriving om the Met Gala red carpet:
queen @priyankachopra is on her way to attend the #MetGala
— best of priyanka (@badpostpriyanka) May 1, 2017
Monday night, Priyanka remembered to inform folks that she wouldn't be live-tweeting the evening's episode of Quantico and moments later, she was on the red carpet, dressed to kill.
Priyanka Chopra arriving to get fitted for the Met Gala today @priyankachopra
— (@PriyankaCentral) May 1, 2017
The 34-year-old actress rubbed shoulders with the likes of Rihanna, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez, Serena Williams and other stars at the do. This year, Priyanka also partied with the creme-de-la-creme of Hollywood at the before and after Oscar bashes. She turned heads in the Oscar red carpet in a silver ensemble from the Ralph and Russo studios.
Priyanka Chopra is currently in New York to promote her Hollywood debut Baywatch, which releases in the US in May and arrives in India on June 2. Priyanka co-stars with Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson in the big screen adaptation of the iconic 90s show, that also has cameos by Baywatch originals David Hasselhof and Pamela Anderson.