The Madras High court bench stayed the proceedings in the case registered against film director P Bala for allegedly defaming a Zamindar family in Tirunelveli district, in his Tamil movie, Avan-Ivan.
Justice T. Sudanthiram also dispensed with his personal appearance before the Judicial Magistrate of Ambasamudram in the criminal case registered last year.
The Prosecution said the complainant, S Muthuraman, had said P N Kumar, who portrays the role of a Zamindar had not been treated with respect by others in the film and had not been shown with dignity.
In his petition, Bala said the entire film was only imaginary and character displayed was also imaginary. At no point of time, anybody's reputation was harmed, he submitted.
Contending that the complaint was a clear abuse of process of court, he sought to quash the case pending in the magistrate court and stay the proceedings as an interim measure.
Justice T. Sudanthiram also dispensed with his personal appearance before the Judicial Magistrate of Ambasamudram in the criminal case registered last year.
The Prosecution said the complainant, S Muthuraman, had said P N Kumar, who portrays the role of a Zamindar had not been treated with respect by others in the film and had not been shown with dignity.
In his petition, Bala said the entire film was only imaginary and character displayed was also imaginary. At no point of time, anybody's reputation was harmed, he submitted.
Contending that the complaint was a clear abuse of process of court, he sought to quash the case pending in the magistrate court and stay the proceedings as an interim measure.