Baahubali director SS Rajamouli's upcoming film starring Jr NTR and Ram Charan has kept fans on their toes for any information about the project. Now, as per a Mumbai Mirror report, the film is currently being shot in Hyderabad's Ramoji Film City where the filmmakers are shooting a 'larger than life action sequence.' The film's working title in RRR and it is set in India before the Independence. Ram Charan plays the role of a cop in the service of the Brtishers while Jr NTR will be seen as a bandit. A source told Mumbai Mirror: "In the ongoing schedule at the Ramoji Film City, the team is filming larger than life action scene which has Ram Charan fighting a thousand goons outside his police station. With guns blazing, weapons drawn and hand-to-hand combats, the makers are going all out to film one of the biggest action sequences in an Indian film till now."
In addition, the filmmakers have zeroed in an abandoned aluminium factory on the outskirts of Hyderabad, where another set will be created for the film. "A large chunk of the film will be set around the abandoned factory, that's where all the drama unfolds," the source added.
RRR went on floors in November 2018 and the launch was also attended by Rajamouli's Baahubali star Prabhas and antagonist Rana Daggubati. The The first clap for the film was given by legendary actor Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan's father.
RRR is reportedly being made on a mega budget of Rs 300 crore and it will release in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam.