South Korean singer Psy, whoserecently released follow-up track Gentleman to hit numberGangnam Style is topping the chart numbers as well, isrelieved to have escaped from being a one-hit wonder.
The singer describes the week of the new track's releaseas "the worst time ever", reported Digital Spy.
"I released it on April 12, and on April 13 I had a hugeconcert in Korea... So that week, it was like hell. On Friday,I had to release the single, and on Saturday, I had to releasethe video, and I had to do a 50,000-person stadium concert.
And that same week, on Monday and Tuesday, I did the shooting(of the Gentleman video).
"And I was done with the shooting on Tuesday, and onWednesday, Thursday, Friday, we were editing, and I wasrehearsing and I was memorising all the choreography. So thatweek was like the worst time ever in my life," he said.
Psy also admitted that he made a lot of changes to thesong ahead of its release.
"I honestly changed this song so many times until thevery last moment. I was not excited, I was terrible; I was sonervous. My only goal was to avoid being called a one-hitwonder.
"So that was a very nervous moment right before thepremiere; and in two weeks, with 230 million views, I'm not aone-hit wonder. I'm really happy and relieved about that!"
Gentleman has so far peaked at number 10 in the UKcharts and at number 5 on the US Billboard Hot 100.
The singer describes the week of the new track's releaseas "the worst time ever", reported Digital Spy.
"I released it on April 12, and on April 13 I had a hugeconcert in Korea... So that week, it was like hell. On Friday,I had to release the single, and on Saturday, I had to releasethe video, and I had to do a 50,000-person stadium concert.
And that same week, on Monday and Tuesday, I did the shooting(of the Gentleman video).
"And I was done with the shooting on Tuesday, and onWednesday, Thursday, Friday, we were editing, and I wasrehearsing and I was memorising all the choreography. So thatweek was like the worst time ever in my life," he said.
Psy also admitted that he made a lot of changes to thesong ahead of its release.
"I honestly changed this song so many times until thevery last moment. I was not excited, I was terrible; I was sonervous. My only goal was to avoid being called a one-hitwonder.
"So that was a very nervous moment right before thepremiere; and in two weeks, with 230 million views, I'm not aone-hit wonder. I'm really happy and relieved about that!"
Gentleman has so far peaked at number 10 in the UKcharts and at number 5 on the US Billboard Hot 100.