Pushpa 2: The Rule has finally hit the theatres and the buzz is electric. The Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna film is packed with edge-of-the-seat action sequences. How do we know, you ask? Well, Pushpa Raj's fans have flooded social media platforms with their blockbuster updates. Amid all the excitement, a particular gesture has taken the spotlight and added an extra spark to Pushpa 2: The Rule's release buzz. In a sweet and thoughtful move, Rashmika Mandanna's rumoured boyfriend, actor Vijay Deverakonda, surprised Allu Arjun with a unique gift. He has presented Allu Arjun with a customised jacket — “Rowdy Pushpa”. Moved by the thoughtful gesture, Allu Arjun has shared a picture of himself wearing the jacket. We can see his back facing the camera. The actor said, “Thank you my sweetest brother VD…Vijay Deverakonda … continuing the anavayathi." This heartwarming exchange between the two stars has fans gushing all over social media.
Soon after, Vijay Deverakonda shared Allu Arjun's post on Instagram Stories and wrote, "Bunny Anna, Till we get Old. But first tonight you all set the screens worldwide on fire!"
Pushpa 2 brings Allu Arjun back as the unstoppable Pushpa Raj, while Rashmika Mandanna reprises her beloved role as Srivalli. Their camaraderie extends beyond the screen, as seen in another post where Rashmika and Allu Arjun posed together. Rashmika wore a sweatshirt with Srivalli emblazoned on the back, while Allu Arjun rocked his iconic Pushpa jacket. Sharing the adorable moment, Rashmika captioned it, “Pushpa and Srivalli, All yours now!!"
Pushpa and Srivalli,
All yours now!! ❤️????❤️???? pic.twitter.com/bs2E3V0g4FAdding to the excitement, Rashmika also treated fans with a peek behind the scenes just a day before the movie's release. She shared a series of moments with Allu Arjun and director Sukumar, accompanied by an emotional note.
“Pushpa 2 is releasing tomorrow and right now I am overwhelmed with emotions. It's fascinating to see myself be so affected and so personally connected with this team and for a film.. never before have I ever let a film influence my emotions and today on the eve of the release I am feeling emotions I've never felt for a film before. Hmm.. where do I begin..Pushpa started in 2021 but for me it started waaaay before that in covid times..I remember the team coming to my house to train me for the chitoor slang to walking on the sets of Pushpa on day 1 the release of Pushpa 1 and then starting of Pushpa 2 shooting for Pushpa 2 for sooooo long.. everyday for the last 5 years talking about Pushpa. Sukku sir.. from the point of not knowing how to talk to him to the point where I am so so emotionally connected to him. Allu Arjun sir.. from I point of being so scared of sir to even talk to sir to searching for him in our crowded set to ask if the shot was ok. Kuba sir the man of few words but the man when he smiles you know that, that shoot is freaking amazing! Mythri movie makers my home production from the point of fighting for dates to the last day of fighting for dates..haha.. Fahadh sir I got to work with you for 2 days and I've heard you've created absolute magic..on my way to watch it right now I love mythri.. they are the best," her caption read.
Pushpa 2 was released in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam.