Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar took a trip down memory lane and revisited old memories. Manushi, who is all set for her Bollywood debut, Instagrammed a blast from the past on Wednesday. Manushi found the photo in one of her photo shoot folders and added a filmy touch to it as she captioned it: "Palat." The palat concept became an iconic Bollywood reference after Shah Rukh Khan said it in the cult film Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge in a rather romantic scene. In the photo, Manushi Chhillar has been styled Ami Patel, who usually works as a style strategist for Bollywood stars like Alia Bhatt, Sonam Kapoor, Tara Sutaria, Kiara Advani and others.
Take a look at Manushi Chhillar's throwback moment here:
Meanwhile, Manushi has been filling up her Instagram feed with photoshoot glimpses from the past.
Manushi Chhillar will step into Bollywood with Yash Raj Films' upcoming project Prithviraj, in which she co-stars with Akshay Kumar. "It is a huge honour to have been chosen by a production house like Yash Raj Films as their heroine! I'm thoroughly happy and thrilled about the learnings that I will have through this journey," she had said in a statement earlier.
Manushi Chhillar was crowned Miss World in China's Sanya city in November 2017, when she said she wasn't ruling out the idea of joining Bollywood, especially if she gets a movie with Aamir Khan. Priyanka Chopra is her favourite actress, who won the Miss World pageant in 2000. Directed by Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi, Akshay Kumar has booked Diwali 2020 for Prithviraj release.