Tamil actor Ajith Kumar has once again proved he's a man of many talents. On Sunday, his team, Ajith Kumar Racing, clinched third place in the 991 category at the Dubai 24H 2025 race. The 53-year-old participated with his teammates Mathieu Detry, Fabian Duffieux and Cameron McLeod.
But that's not all – Ajith also bagged the prestigious Spirit of the Race recognition in the GT4 category. Dubai 24H, held annually at the Dubai Autodrome, is renowned for showcasing high-performance GT and touring cars battling it out in an intense 24-hour format.
After Ajith Kumar's stellar performance, his industry peers flooded social media with congratulatory messages. Here is a look at how they celebrated his achievement:
1. R Madhavan
R Madhavan, who was present at the Dubai Autodrome, didn't miss the chance to share the excitement of Ajith Kumar's incredible achievement. The side note read, "What a man...as he says 'DREAMS DO COME TRUE'...an incredible real HERO."
2. Samantha Ruth Prabhu
Samantha Ruth Prabhu dropped a video on her Instagram Stories, where we can see a happy Ajith Kumar celebrating his big moment. In her caption, the actress wrote, “ What an example of never becoming complacent with your accomplishments and continuously pushing yourself to work harder.”
3. Naga Chaitanya
Highlighting how Ajith Kumar made the nation proud, Naga Chaitanya said, “Ajith sir!! What a journey, what a win ! ... A big cheers and congratulations for making us proud.”
4. Kamal Haasan
Kamal Haasan also uploaded an image of Ajityh Kumar on his X (formerly Twitter). The veteran actor wrote, “Extraordinary achievement by Team #AjithKumarRacing in their maiden race! Thrilled for my friend Ajith, who continues to push boundaries in his diverse passions. A proud and seminal moment for Indian motorsports.”
5. Adhik Ravichandran
Director Adhik Ravichandran, who worked with Ajith on Good Bad Ugly, also congratulated the actor. "You made India proud. We love you, sir," Ravichandran wrote on X.
Ajith Kumar has acted in movies such as Thirupathi, Mankatha, Paramasivan and Poovellam Un Vasam.