Superstar Rajinikanth, who was moved by actor Vikram's commitment for upcoming Tamil magnum opus I, said that no actor could sacrifice as much as him for a character.
Vikram spent over two years working for the film, he gained and lost considerable amount of weight to play the character in the movie. (Also Read: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rajinikanth Are VIP Guests at I Music Launch)
"Vikram has dedicated his life for this film. Hats off to his commitment. I don't think you could find an actor who has sacrificed so much for a character in Indian cinema as well as Hollywood. I wish the film all success," Rajinikanth told reporters here.
Rajinikanth also appreciated filmmaker Shankar for making I, which has been on floor for over two years.
"What do I say about Shankar? It's been two decades since he entered the Tamil film industry. He's climbing up with every film. I will take him to the pinnacle. But I know this won't be the end because he will continue making films that will supersede his own work," he said.
"He'd always complain that why can't we make films at par with Hollywood. His aim has always been to take Tamil cinema to global standards. He does all this not just for money, but for his passion for cinema. He's the real cinema Indian," he added.
The movie, which is expected to hit the theatres during the Diwali festive season, also features actors Amy Jackson and Upen Patel in important roles.
This Article is From Sep 16, 2014
Rajinikanth: Hats off to Vikram's Commitment for I
- Indo-Asian New Service
- Regional
Sep 16, 2014 17:25 pm IST
Published On Sep 16, 2014 17:21 pm IST
Last Updated On Sep 16, 2014 17:25 pm IST
Vikram spent over two years working for the film.