Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput's sister Shweta Singh Kirti, who shared an emotional post for her brother on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, posted a screenshot of sister Neetu Singh's note for Sushant, on her Instagram profile. Sushant Singh Rajput, affectionately referred to Neetu Singh as "Rani di" and had described her as his mother figure in a few of his posts on social media. Shweta Singh Kirti accompanied the screenshot with these words: "My Rani Di, we have always considered you our mother figure after Mumma. We love you so much! Happy Raksha Bandhan my Rani Di...Bhai is always with us and we know it, we cannot deny his pulsating presence around us showering his love on us."
In a letter, addressed to her late brother Sushant Singh Rajput, Neetu Singh wrote: "Dear Gulshan, Today is your day. Today is our day. Today is rakhi. It is the first time in 35 years that the puja thal is decorated, the diya is lit, but I cannot perform arti for you. I cannot tie the rakhi on your wrist. I cannot feed you sweets. I cannot kiss your forehead. I cannot hug you. When you were born life became brighter. You spread joy in your lifetime. But now that you aren't here, I don't know what to do. I don't know how to live without you. I never thought I'd see this day - a day without you in it. We learned so much together. But how am I supposed to learn to live without you? You tell me. Forever yours, Rani di."
Read the post here:
On Monday, an emotional Shweta Singh Kirti shared a chunk of cherished memories and remembered her late brother. "Happy Raksha Bandhan mera sweet sa baby. Bahut pyaar karte hain hum aapko jaan aur hamesha karte rahenge. You were, you are and you will always be our pride," she wrote in her post.
In 2016, Sushant Singh Rajput shared a picture with his sister Neetu Singh on Mother's Day and he wrote: "My sister who has been my second mom since I was a kid... Love you my sis for always being there."
My sister who has been my second mom since I was a kid... Love you my sis for always being there... !! #mothersday
Posted by Sushant Singh Rajput on Sunday, 8 May 2016
Sushant Singh Rajput died by suicide, said the police. He became a star after featuring in Balaji Telefilms' popular daily show Pavitra Rishta. His impressive filmography included hits as well critically acclaimed films like MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, Kedarnath, Chhichhore and Sonchiriya among others. His last project Dil Bechara released on Disney+Hotstar last month and received a lot of love from fans as well as film critics.