Rakul Preet Singh sustained a painful back injury in October, her birthday month. In a recent conversation, the actress opened up about her healing journey and credited her husband, Jackky Bhagnani, as her biggest support system. “I'm better now. I'm recovering by the day, but it's just slow progress,” said the actress, who is still not fully recovered. Revealing details about the incident, Rakul said, “I lifted a very heavy 80 kg deadlift on October 5. I felt the pain coming from my tailbone, but I didn't stop, which was my biggest mistake. I completed my workout and went straight to shoot. By evening, I had a very terrible spasm that I couldn't even wear my own clothes as I couldn't bend forward. Thinking of it as a spasm, I kept shooting with that pain.”
In a conversation with Hindustan Times, Rakul Preet Singh shared how she experienced extreme pain while getting ready for her birthday party. She mentioned that the pain “aggravated so much by the 10th that as I was getting ready for my birthday party, I felt like my lower body detached from my upper body. I fainted with that pain, and my BP dropped. I was put in bed, and then I was in bed for 10 days. Not bed rest, I was bedridden.” For the unversed, Rakul turned 34 on October 10.
During this challenging time, Rakul Preet Singh's husband, Jackky Bhagnani, was a pillar of strength for her. She said, “Jackky had decorated everything, and he said I'll get to see it all when I come up for the birthday party. But the unfortunate thing was, I couldn't come up. I had my injury an hour before the birthday, so I could never see it.”
The actress continued, “It's important for a partner to understand not just physically what you're going through, but for a workaholic like me, it takes a lot of mental toll also. It wasn't just for 10 days, as even now, I'm still not 100% fine. There are days that you still feel that ‘Will I be okay? Will I be able to run and sprint and do everything that I was doing before?' It's important for a partner to give you that space to feel vulnerable. And with Jackky, the great thing is that he can make a joke out of anything. He can handle the toughest situation in the lightest way.”
“About 2 weeks back, I had taken my first flight, and when I came back, I was really low and fatigued. I was very vulnerable and started crying, and he said, ‘Mubarak ho, ab tum ladki ban gayi ho [Congratulations, you have become a girl now],' in a funny way because I generally don't cry. When you know that person can make you laugh in any weakest moment, that's important. I'm so glad and grateful that I get that from Jackky,” Rakul Preet Singh added.
Finally, when asked what lesson the injury had given her, Rakul Preet Singh shared, “It's a lesson. When I had this spasm, I thought your mind is stronger than your body. I didn't pay attention to it till my body stopped. So, it's a lesson learned that sometimes I just got to go easy sometimes.”
“Generally, an injury like this takes about 6 to 8 weeks for healing, so I'm in my sixth week now. Hopefully, in two more weeks, I'll be back to 100. It's much better now, at least I can move around painlessly, and do my normal things. I am up and running now. I just have to get more strength and the fatigue needs to get better, but I am largely okay now,” she concluded.
In terms of work, Rakul Preet Singh was last seen with Kamal Haasan in Indian 2. Up next, she is set to appear in De De Pyaar De 2, the sequel to her 2019 blockbuster movie.