Ram Charan, who was honoured for achievement in Entertainment at NDTV's True Legend last week, received a whole lot of love from his fans after a video from the event went viral on social media. In the video, which has been curated by multiple fan pages dedicated to the actor, Ram Charan can be seen clicking selfies with the children of Maha Vir Chakra awardee Colonel Santosh Babu. Santosh Babu, who died in the Chinese army attack at Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh in June 2020, was also honoured at True Legend.
Here's the video, shared by Ram Charan's fan club:
. @AlwaysRamCharan #RamCharan #TrueLegend pic.twitter.com/GzlNidMkuA
— Ram (@HereFoRamCharan) December 3, 2022
Post Ram Charan's win at NDTV's True Legend, his father and veteran actor Chiranjeevi shared a post congratulating his son on Twitter and he wrote: "Nanna, Absolutely thrilled for you and proud, on winning the True Legend - #FutureOfYoungIndia Award #NDTV Bravo! Way to go, dearest, Ram Charan - Appa and Amma."
Read Chiranjeevi's tweet here:
— Chiranjeevi Konidela (@KChiruTweets) December 2, 2022
Absolutely thrilled for you and proud, on winning the #TrueLegend - #FutureOfYoungIndia Award #NDTV
Bravo!!! Way to go, dearest @AlwaysRamcharan
- Appa & Amma pic.twitter.com/6t1wJuvzxy
On the professional front, Ram Charan was seen in SS Rajamouli's RRR this year, which became a blockbuster around the globe and it has also been submitted for consideration in various categories for the Oscars next year. Ram Charan featured alongside Jr NTR in the lead role. The film also starred Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt.
The actor also starred in Acharya with dad Chiranjeevi and Pooja Hegde and Sonu Sood this year. The actor recently wrapped the New Zealand schedule of his next untitled project that also features Kiara Advani. The film is being directed by Shankar.