Rana Daggubati and Miheeka Bajaj, who got engaged on May 21, will reportedly get married in August this year. Rana's father Suresh Babu, recently told Deccan Chronicle that the wedding will take place on August 8 in Hyderabad. "Rana's father, Suresh Babu, said members of both the families would attend the ceremony, which would be performed as per government guidelines on the coronavirus epidemic," stated the Deccan Chronicle report. Rana's fiancée Miheeka has a Master's degree in Interior Design from Chelsea University and she runs an interior decor and event business called Dew Drop Design Studio.
Sharing the pictures from their engagement ceremony earlier this month, Rana wrote: "And it's official" and added firework emojis.
Miheeka shared photographs from the engagement ceremony on social media and wrote: "To the beginning of forever."
The Baahubali star made his relationship with Miheeka official earlier this month. He wrote: "And she said yes."
Earlier, Rana Daggubati's father Suresh Babu spilled the beans on the couple's wedding plans and told Times Of India that Rana and Miheeka will be having a December wedding. "We were thinking of having it around December but it could happen even sooner than that too. We will reveal the details once things are finalised," he said.