We can't thank Neetu Kapoor enough for sharing this super fun picture of her "dance squad" on her Instagram story on Thursday afternoon. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt will get married today but the pre-wedding festivities began on Wednesday with a mehendi ceremony. In the picture, Neetu Kapoor can be seen posing with choreographer Rajendra Singh. The Kapoor dance squad isn't complete without Neetu's niece Karisma Kapoor who is celebrated for her dance skills. Also in the squad is Neetu's sister-in-law Rima Jain and her other niece Nitasha Nanda. Their smiles in the picture say it all. Neetu Kapoor, sharing the picture from the festivities, captioned it: "Our dance squad."
This is the picture Neetu Kapoor shared:
Earlier on Thursday, Neetu Kapoor shared a glimpse of henna on her hand, which has her late husband Rishi Kapoor's name written on it.
See the picture shared by Neetu Kapoor here:
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor fell in love during the shooting of Ayan Mukerji's Brahmastra. They began dating in the year 2018 and made their first public appearance together as a couple at Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja's wedding reception in Mumbai. Both the actors have been frequently spotted together and with each other's families as well. Alia and Ranbir were accompanied by their families during their Ranthambore holiday last year. Alia Bhatt has also been regularly attending the Kapoors' Christmas brunches over the last few years.
Ranbir Kapoor confirmed his relationship with Alia Bhatt in an interview in 2020, where he referred to her as his "girlfriend" and said that if it weren't for the pandemic, they would have been married. While, Alia Bhatt, during an interaction with NDTV, said, "In my head, I am married to Ranbir, in fact, I am married to Ranbir in my head for a long time."