Ranbir Kapoor, who became a father last month, recently attended the Red Sea International Film Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he talked about his films, parenting and more. In a video from the festival shared by Brut India, the 40-year old actor can be seen talking about his "biggest insecurity." When the actor was asked about what has changed for him after becoming a father, Ranbir Kapoor said, "I'm wondering why did I take so long. My biggest insecurity is that when my children are 20 or 21, I will be 60 years old. Will I be able to play football with them? Will I be able to run with them?"
The actor also talked about sharing equal responsibilities wife Alia Bhatt and added, "I don't work a lot, about 180-200 days. She (Alia Bhatt) does a lot more work and is way more busy. But we will balance it out. Maybe I'll take a break when she's working, or she can, when I am out for work."
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed a bay girl on November 6. They named her Raha. The name was picked by Ranbir's mom and veteran actress Neetu Kapoor. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt got married at their home Vastu in an intimate ceremony in April this year. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's love story began on the sets of Ayan Mukerji's film Brahmastra, which was a smash hit.
On the work front, Ranbir Kapoor was last seen in the smash hit Brahmastra, co-starring wife Alia Bhatt. He will next be seen in Sandeep Reddy Vanga's Animal. He will also feature in an untitled Luv Ranjan project, alongside Shraddha Kapoor.