Actor Ranveer Singh, who has a clean-shaven pete for "Bajirao Mastani", says his co-star Deepika Padukone, also his rumoured ladylove, loved the look. (Also read: Ranveer Singh: I Have Only Been Dumped so Far)
Asked how Deepika reacted to his new look, Ranveer said: "Deepika loved the look. I had shown her my pictures in costume. She is very happy and excited about joining the shoot of the film. It will happen within a couple of months."
Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Bajirao Mastani also features Priyanka Chopra in a key role.
Is Ranveer himself used to seeing his hairless skull in the mirror?
"I felt nervous when I was in the car and on the way for my 'mundan' (head-shaving). But I have chosen to play Bajirao, who was a bald guy. Eight years ago, I had gone bald too, so it's a welcome change. I like to do different things to keep myself amused and excited," he said.
But Ranveer is also keeping a shendi - a tuft of hair left on top or on the back of the head.
"It will hopefully grow long by the end of the film! The shoot will take a year and Mr Bhansali doesn't want this look to become public. He has asked me to wear a hat whenever I go out," said Ranveer.
This Article is From Nov 09, 2014
Ranveer Singh: Deepika Padukone Loved My Bald Look
- Bollywood
Nov 09, 2014 16:40 pm IST
Published On Nov 09, 2014 16:34 pm IST
Last Updated On Nov 09, 2014 16:40 pm IST
Ranveer has gone bald for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Bajirao Mastani