Ranveer Singh recently bared it all for a photoshoot and now, the Internet is having a blast. The actor's viral photo series for Paper magazine features him nude with well-groomed hair, sitting on a carpet and nonchalantly posing for the camera. The photoshoot is a tribute to '70s pop icon Burt Reynolds who also went nude in the 1972 shoot for Cosmopolitan magazine. While Ranveer's fans are hyped about his confidence, others have resorted to hilarious memes - plastering the actor's poses on classic paintings and using his expressions for relatable situations. Check out Ranveer's photoshoot for Paper magazine here.
A Twitter took one of Ranveer's poses, pasted it over Michelangelo's classic painting, The Creation of Adam, and wrote: "The Creation of Ranveer Singh."
Another one hilariously wrote: "Me after spending my entire salary on swiggy and zomato."
One Twitter user shared a pic of Ranveer laying on the carpet and wrote: "Cockroach when I turn on light at night."
Posting the Bajirao Mastani actor's pic on a spider web, a Twitter user's LOL comment read: "Sorry, I'm not at all here to troll Ranveer Singh. I just found this picture genuinely funny." They added the hashtags #ranveerified #ranveersingh.
Another hilarious comment read: "3-year-old me when I don't want to take a bath."
Speaking to Paper magazine about his style, Ranveer said, "It's so easy for me to be physically naked, but in some of my performances I've been damn f****** naked. You can see my f****** soul. How naked is that? That's being actually naked. I can be naked in front of a thousand people, I don't give a s**t."
Ranveer will star in Karan Johar's Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani with Alia Bhatt. He will also feature in Rohit Shetty's Cirkus co-starring Pooja Hegde, Jacqueline Fernandez and Varun Sharma.