Actress Bhumi Pednekar has said goodbye to her pyjamas and is "ready to restart" her normal life amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Bhumi's latest Instagram post says it all. On Wednesday, she posted a new picture of herself on the platform. The Dum Laga Ke Haisha actress can be seen dolled-up in a black tank top and shorts as she poses for the picture at her home. Bhumi looks stunning in the frame. Her face is glowing in the selfie. The actress wrote a quirky caption in her post. She wrote, "Bye bye pyjamas, ready to restart life."
See Bhumi Pednekar's post here.
As the Maharashtra government has started to ease lockdown restrictions, Bhumi went out for a drive in the city. The Saand Ki Aankh actress recorded a few clips inside her car amid heavy rainfall in the city and posted them on her Instagram stories. In her first Instagram story, she wrote, "Mumbai rains and traffic." In the second Instagram story, the actress can be heard saying, "Oh my god" as she sees waterlogging on the road.
Take a look at her Instagram stories here.
Bhumi Pednekar frequently shares her selfies on her Instagram handle. See her pictures here.
In terms of work, Bhumi Pednekar was last seen in film Durgamati in 2020. The movie premiered on Amazon Prime Video. Bhumi has films like Badhaai Do and Mr Lele coming up.
Bhumi Pednekar made her Bollywood debut with Dum Laga Ke Haisha in 2015. She has also worked in movies like Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, Shubh Mangal Saavdhan, Sonchiriya, Saand Ki Aankh, Bala and Pati Patni Aur Woh among others.