The movie, being made at a budget of Rs.40 crore, went on floors in March. It aims to bring forth every aspect of the dreadful attacks in which 166 people were killed.
Ram Gopal Varma says that recreating the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, which claimed 166 lives, for his film was "terrifying".
"Just shot the Taj massacre of 26/11. Merely recreating it felt terrifying. Can't even imagine what the victims would have undergone," Ram Gopal Varma tweeted.
The movie, being made at a budget of Rs.40 crore, went on floors in March. It aims to bring forth every aspect of the dreadful attacks in which 166 people were killed.
Mr Varma reportedly wanted to shoot some portions at The Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, which was one of the key spots of attack, but he was denied permission to film there.
The director then got a set created by art director Uday Singh and apparently Ram Gopal Varma has spent around R 2.5 crore towards its making.
"Just shot the Taj massacre of 26/11. Merely recreating it felt terrifying. Can't even imagine what the victims would have undergone," Ram Gopal Varma tweeted.
The movie, being made at a budget of Rs.40 crore, went on floors in March. It aims to bring forth every aspect of the dreadful attacks in which 166 people were killed.
Mr Varma reportedly wanted to shoot some portions at The Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, which was one of the key spots of attack, but he was denied permission to film there.
The director then got a set created by art director Uday Singh and apparently Ram Gopal Varma has spent around R 2.5 crore towards its making.