OG fashion icon and veteran actor Rekha, who features on the cover of Vogue Arabia, opened up on her love affair with her craft in an interview with the publication. The actress told Vogue Arabia, "When you love someone or something so deeply, does the love disappear?" She explained, "No. Once the relationship is established it is forever. Sometimes we may want more and sometimes it's just enough. This applies to my craft. Whether I make films or not, it never leaves me. I have my memories to relive what I love. And when the time is right, the right project will find me." Rekha, who has been missing from the silver screen for quite a few years now, is frequently pictured at events.
"This commitment to the magic of life is true of my relationships, my career, and my own inner life," said the veteran superstar, explaining, "The refinement of the mind is not always about the breadth of experience, which is wonderful when you are young and hungry for new adventures but right now, I believe in the depth of my lived experience. I want to dig for wisdom in the midst of a flower blooming in the sunshine, and the simplicity of my garden coming alive under a sudden burst of rain. This commitment to the magic of life is true of my relationships, my career, and my own inner life."
In March this year, Maria Grazia Chiuri, the Creative director of Christian Dior, shared a special post for Rekha. She met the veteran actress in Mumbai for Dior's India-inspired pre-fall fashion show. "I was so touched to meet the iconic Rekha ji last night for the first time. India's most iconic woman and incredible actress. I am so grateful you have joined us last night, it was a true honour," she wrote.
Rekha is best-known for her performances in films such as Umrao Jaan (1981), Khubsoorat (1980), Ghar, Judaai, Mujhe Insaaf Chahiye, Khoon Bhari Maang, Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi and Silsila. She was also seen in R Balki-directed Shamitabh, which released in 2015. The actress also featured in a special medley song in the 2018 film Yamla Pagla Deewana: Phir Se.