This Article is From Jul 27, 2016

Rishi Kapoor's Very Busy Twitter Day. Here's Cheat Code to His New Quiz

Rishi Kapoor's Very Busy Twitter Day. Here's Cheat Code to His New Quiz
New Delhi: Actor Rishi Kapoor, who has been playing quiz master on Twitter off late, has had a particularly active 24 hours on the micro-blogging site. On Wednesday, he threw this question at us.

You probably know the answer but just in case you don't, here are some hints.

Hint 1. Man on the left is a former POTUS.

Hint 2. Woman on the left could be future POTUS.

Hint 3. If you still need Hint 3, you need to come out of the rock you have been living under.

Congratulations to those who got it. The rest of you lot, the answer is Bill and Hillary Clinton and you need to read the news, please.

On Monday, Mr Kapoor, tweeted an old picture of this poet-lyricist and asked his followers to identify him by his real, not pen, name.

Answer? Sampooran Singh Kalra - alias Gulzar.

Amitabh Bachchan also involved himself.

Between this and that, Mr Kapoor complained about Delhi's traffic - and discovered that Mumbai isn't so bad after all.

Delhi agrees, Mr Kapoor. Delhi agrees. As a bonus, here's Rishi Kapoor assisting his son Ranbir in improving his football team Mumbai City FC:

All we can say, @chintskap's timeline keeps us thoroughly entertained. Thank you, Rishi Kapoor.