Ahead of the release of the Marathi film Ved, makers hosted a screening event in Mumbai on Tuesday. The usual suspects were Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D'Souza. They happily greeted the shutterbugs with Namaste. The couple looked adorable as they twinned in red ensembles. Riteish was seen in a red t-shirt (Ved printed on it) paired with denim, while Genelia looked pretty in a red co-ord set. Ved marks the directorial debut of Riteish. The romantic drama is slated to hit the theatres on December 30, 2022.
Here have a look at the pictures:
Riteish Deshmukh has been busy promoting his film on his ongoing TV series Case Toh Banta Hai. Check out some of the videos below:
Ved is a Marathi romantic film which is inspired by the 2019 Telugu film Majili, starring Naga Chaitanya and Samantha Ruth Prabu. The Marathi version will mark the cameo of Salman Khan in the song Ved Lavlay. It also stars Fardeen Khan, Rahul Dev, Jiya Shankar and Ashok Saraf in pivotal roles.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Genelia D'Souza and Riteish Deshmukh co-starred in the Bollywood film, Mister Mummy, produced by Bhushan Kumar. Next, Genelia will be seen in Vaaraahi Chalana Chitram's untitled film, which will release in two regional languages, Telugu and Kannada.
On a personal note, Riteish and Genelia got married in the traditional Marathi wedding ceremony in February 2012. They are parents to two sons, Riaan and Rahyl Deshmukh.