Hollywood Star Richard Madden was clicked at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Sunday as he arrived in the city to promote his upcoming Amazon Prime web series Citadel. The actor was spotted outside the airport as he was stepping inside a car, wearing a black t-shirt and sunglasses. The Game of Thrones star was surrounded by security as he made his way out of the Kalina airport. Notably, Richard Madden's Citadel co-star Priyanka Chopra also arrived in Mumbai on Friday with her husband singer-actor Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie. This is the first trip of the global star to India with her daughter.
Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden's spy series Citadel have been creating quite some buzz on social media. A few days back, the makers of the show unveiled a new motion poster focused on Priyanka's character – Nadia Sinh, an agent of the spy agency Citadel. The motion poster, shared by the official Twitter handle of the series created by the Russo Brothers, features a photo of the actress transitioning into a new look, that of Nadia Sinh. The text over the video read, “Priyanka Chopra Jonas is agent Nadia Sinh.” The motion poster was shared with an intriguing question, “Who is the real Nadia Sinh?” The first frame shows Priyanka. As the camera zooms into her eye, Nadia Sinh's face appears on the screen in the clip.
Take a look at it here:
In Citadel, Richard Madden will be essaying the role of Mason Kane, a former elite member of Citadel. After their organisation was attacked by a crime lord, they start living anonymous lives as totally different persons, with no memories of their past as agents. But eight years later, their colleague Bernard (played by Stanley Tucci) contacts them and asks them to join the force again to stop the same crime syndicate from establishing a new rule.
A few weeks back, the makers of Citadel also shared a motion poster of Richard Madden's character. The caption read: “Richard Madden is Citadel Agent Mason Kane.” Take a look.
Citadel: India is being directed by The Family Man creators Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK. The first season of Citadel comprises six episodes – the first two will be available at the time of premiere and a new episode will be introduced every Friday. The Indian part of the series will feature Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Varun Dhawan in titular roles.