Polanski, 79, fled America in 1978, just before the sentencing in the case.
Los Angeles:
Samantha Geimer, who was rapedby filmmaker Roman Polanski at the age of 13, has debuted thecover picture of her memoir which is a close-up shot of herteenage self.
Now 50, Geimer is breaking her silence on the infamousHollywood scandal after nearly 35 years through the book "TheGirl: A Life in the Shadow of Roman Polanski", slated to hitstands on September 17.
Ironically, the photograph, which is now on the cover, wastaken by Polanski on February 20, 1977, less than three weeksbefore he drugged and raped her at Jack Nicholson's MulhollandDrive home during a modeling shoot for a magazine, theHollywood Reporter said.
Polanski took the pictures during his first photo sessionwith Geimer, now 50, at her home in Woodland Hills, a sessionin which the director coaxed the young girl to pose toplessfor him in some of the shots, THR added.
The photos from that shoot surfaced during Geimer's civilsuit against Polanski, when her lawyer demanded the directorto return any film and negatives he had of her. The pictureswould be a part of the book.
Publisher Atria said that the book "will give readersinsight into many dimensions of the story that have never beenpreviously revealed."
"I am more than a 'Sex Victim Girl'. I offer my story nowwithout rage, but with purpose -- to share a tale that willreclaim my identity," Geimer had said last year whileannouncing the memoir.
Polanski, 79, fled America in 1978, just before thesentencing in the case. He is currently settled in France. Thedirector was briefly arrested in 2009 while in Switzerland atthe request of US authorities.
The arrest brought renewed attention to the case with manyHollywood biggies supporting the director. He was jailed nearZurich for two months and then put under house arrest. In2010, the Swiss released him and rejected US request for anextradition.
Now 50, Geimer is breaking her silence on the infamousHollywood scandal after nearly 35 years through the book "TheGirl: A Life in the Shadow of Roman Polanski", slated to hitstands on September 17.
Ironically, the photograph, which is now on the cover, wastaken by Polanski on February 20, 1977, less than three weeksbefore he drugged and raped her at Jack Nicholson's MulhollandDrive home during a modeling shoot for a magazine, theHollywood Reporter said.
Polanski took the pictures during his first photo sessionwith Geimer, now 50, at her home in Woodland Hills, a sessionin which the director coaxed the young girl to pose toplessfor him in some of the shots, THR added.
The photos from that shoot surfaced during Geimer's civilsuit against Polanski, when her lawyer demanded the directorto return any film and negatives he had of her. The pictureswould be a part of the book.
Publisher Atria said that the book "will give readersinsight into many dimensions of the story that have never beenpreviously revealed."
"I am more than a 'Sex Victim Girl'. I offer my story nowwithout rage, but with purpose -- to share a tale that willreclaim my identity," Geimer had said last year whileannouncing the memoir.
Polanski, 79, fled America in 1978, just before thesentencing in the case. He is currently settled in France. Thedirector was briefly arrested in 2009 while in Switzerland atthe request of US authorities.
The arrest brought renewed attention to the case with manyHollywood biggies supporting the director. He was jailed nearZurich for two months and then put under house arrest. In2010, the Swiss released him and rejected US request for anextradition.