The trailer of Rajkummar Rao, Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Sharma's horror-comedy Roohi will give you all sorts of spooky vibes. The makers of the film unveiled the trailer on Tuesday and it promises full-on entertainment. In Roohi, a follow-up to Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor's 2018 film Stree, Janhvi Kapoor is possessed by a witch, who abducts brides during their honeymoon. Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma, two small-town boys, take up the responsibility to save the brides but get stuck in a forest with Roohi (Janhvi). The spooky effects and performances by the three stars in the film, which was earlier titled Rooh Afza and then Roohi Afzana, make it a laugh riot.
Sharing the trailer on social media, Rajkummar Rao wrote: "Watch the #RoohiTrailer at your own risk kyunki iss baar mard ko jyada dard hoga!"
Watch the trailer of Roohi here:
A couple of hours before the release of the trailer, Janhvi Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma shared new posters of the film, directed by Hardik Mehta. Take a look:
The release date, as well as the teaser of Roohi were dropped on the Internet on Monday. "Iss Bhootiya Shaadi mein aapka swagat hai! #MagicOfCinemaReturns; movie releases March 11," wrote Janhvi while sharing the teaser.
Earlier, talking about Roohi, Dinesh Vijan of Maddock Films, who has produced the film, said in a statement: "While Stree was a genre bending tale that gave audiences something never seen before, Roohi takes this vision a step further by offering the same brand of spine chilling scares and quirky comedy. With a partner like Jio Studios that shares our passion for the eponymous 'bada parda', we hope 'Roohi' rekindles the audience's long standing romance with the silver screen. It is a film tailor made to be viewed at your nearest theatre," reported news agency PTI.
Roohi will release on March 11 this year.