Filmmaker SS Rajamouli, on Sunday, unveiled the first song titled Dosti from his upcoming magnum opus RRR. As the name suggests, Dosti is the song that celebrates the friendship between Jr NTR and Ram Charan's characters in RRR and there couldn't have been a better day to release the song than the Friendship Day. Dosti has been released in Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada languages. The video of the song features musicians Amit Trivedi, MM Kreem, Anirudh and Vijay. The video also features Jr NTR and Ram Charan, who can be seen joining the musicians later in the video. The soulful song has been produced by MM Kreem, while the Hindi version of it has been sung by Amit Trivedi.
Take a look at the music video of the song Dosti here:
SS Rajamouli unveiled the song on Twitter today. He shared the link to the Telugu version of the song in his tweet. Sharing the link to the song, SS Rajamouli wrote: "This Friendship day, witness the coming together of 2 powerful opposing forces - Ramaraju and Bheem."
Check out SS Rajamouli's tweet here:
This Friendship day, witness the coming together of 2 powerful opposing forces - Ramaraju& Bheem #Dosti Music Video: @anirudhofficial @ItsAmitTrivedi @IAMVIJAYYESUDAS #YazinNizar@TSeries @LahariMusic #RRRMovie #Natpu #Priyam
— rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) August 1, 2021
For those who don't know, Jr NTR plays the role of Komaram Bheem in RRR, while Ram Charan plays the role of Ramaraju.
Earlier this year, the makers of RRR had dropped the poster of the film featuring Ram Charan and Jr NTR. Along with the poster, the makers also announced that the film's shoot is closer to completion.
Moving at a rapid pace
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) June 29, 2021
Except for two songs, we are done with the shoot. #RRRMovie@tarak9999 & @alwaysramcharan have completed the dubbing for 2 languages and will wind up the rest soon.
Besides Jr NTR and Ram Charan, RRR also features Bollywood stars Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt in pivotal roles. Alia Bhatt will be seen playing the role of Ram Charan's love interest in RRR. Ajay Devgn, on the other hand, plays the role of Jr NTR and Ram Charan's mentor. The film is scheduled to release in five languages on October 13 this year.