Ajay Devgn, Rakul Preet Singh and Amitabh Bachchan are awaiting the release of their film Runway 34. Ahead of the theatrical release, the makers organised a screening for celebrities on Tuesday. And they are all going gaga over it. Jackky Bhagnani, who is Rakul's boyfriend, shared a post on his Twitter handle, lauding her and other actors. He wrote, "#Runway34 is technically one of the most superior films I have seen off late. It emotionally completely engages you. A1 direction by @ajaydevgn sir. Outstanding performances by all. @amitabhbachchan sir just lights up the screen, @rakulpreet you just made me soooo proud. All the best team and I am sure the audience will love the film".
Here have a look:
#Runway34 a must watch ???? @ajaydevgn @SrBachchan @Rakulpreet pic.twitter.com/d2EduuPPV3
— Jackky Bhagnani (@jackkybhagnani) April 27, 2022
Helmed by Ajay Devgn, Runway 34 is said to be based on true events, and it also stars Boman Irani, Aakanksha Singh and Angira Dhar in pivotal roles. In the film, Ajay and Rakul will feature as pilots, while Amitabh Bachchan will be playing the role of a lawyer.
Coming back to Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh, the couple officially announced their relationship last year. Jackky shared an adorable post on Rakul's birthday and wrote, "Without you, days don't seem like days.Without you, eating the most delicious food is no fun. Sending Birthday wishes to the most beautiful soul who means the world to me!!! May your day be as sunny as your smile, and as beautiful as you are. Happy Birthday my". Often the couple is seen hanging around in the city enjoying lunch and dinner dates.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Rakul Preet Singh has several films in her kitty-Doctor G, Thank God, Ayalaan, Chhatriwali and Mission Cinderella.