This Article is From Apr 01, 2013

Saif Ali Khan shoots anti-tobacco video

Saif Ali Khan shoots anti-tobacco video
Saif Ali Khan was criticized when the posters of his upcoming film Go Goa Gone were released, which show him smoking a cigar.
New Delhi: Saif Ali Khan has shot a specialvideo to spread awareness about ills of tobacco that will playin the beginning of his upcoming movie Go Goa Gone where heis seen as a cigar smoking zombie killer.

Saif, who plays the role of a Russian mafia lord 'Boris'in the new comedy, shot the video after signing up for thepart. The video, featuring the star, is aimed at youth andwill play before the beginning of the film.

"I think smoking is a form of drug abuse. I do notbelieve in censorship, as in blanket banning. An appropriateage certificate must be set and then enforced. That is whatthe censor board is for.

"However, I understand with this freedom comes a socialresponsibility and I would like to warn the youth that smokingis a very dangerous habit," Saif said in a statement.

Earlier, health ministry had issued an order banningsmoking scenes on screen, demanding that cigarette products beblurred or edited and such scenes be accompanied by adisclaimer.

Saif, who used to be a regular-smoker five years ago,quit smoking following a health scare in 2007.

"It may seem cool now but there is nothing cool aboutlung or heart disease. I quit smoking after almost suffering aheart attack five years ago. Purely bought on by my smoking...clearly it is not worth it!," the actor said.

Go Goa Gone producer and Saif's partner Dinesh Vijansaid Saif was initially reluctant to play a smoker onscreen.

"Saif plays a Russian Mafia Lord in Go Goa Gone andbecause of the demand of the character he smokes a cigar inthe film. Off screen, Saif doesn't smoke and condemns the useof tobacco.

"In fact, on his insistence we had shot a personalisedanti-tobacco video a while back, where he says that the use ofTobacco in any form is injurious to health. The video willplay before the film begins," Vijan said.

The comedy film is directed by Raj Nidimoru and KrishnaDK. It will release on May 10. The film also stars actorsKunal Khemu, Vir Das, Anand Tiwary and Puja Gupta.

Saif, who is also the producer of Go Goa Gone wascriticised for smoking cigar on the movie poster byanti-tobacco organisation National Organisation for TobaccoEradication.