Salman Khan and Sooraj Barjatya's blockbuster jodi is expected to resume filming duty once again. As per a mid-day report, Sooraj Barjatya approached Salman Khan with a project and the filmmaker says that the actor assured him he'll do the film whenever it's ready. Sooraj Barjatya directed Salman Khan in his breakthrough film Maine Pyar Kiya, which has achieved cult status over the years. It was also Sooraj's debut as director. Sooraj Barjatya told mid-day: "I have discussed the primary idea with Salman. It's going to be a family drama, and not an action film. All I can say is that it will have all the necessary ingredients that a Rajshri Production has - emotions, drama and a lot of music. It is going to be my most satisfying film... Whenever I am ready with the script, Salman has assured me that he will be ready too."
Salman Khan and Sooraj Barjatya last collaborated on Prem Ratan Dhan Payo also starring Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhasker. The 2015 film exploded louder than any Diwali patakha at the box office. The film's lifetime business is over Rs 200 crore.
Salman Khan has famously played Prem in Sooraj Barjatya's films Maine Pyar Kiya, Hum Aapke Hai Koun...!, Hum Saath-Saath Hain and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo. He took a break from playing Prem Mr Barjatya's Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon and Vivah. Hrithik Roshan and Abhishek Bachchan starred in the first film while Shahid Kapoor played Prem in Vivaah.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan is currently busy with Ali Abbas Zafar's Bharat, which is slated for Eid 2019 release. The film also stars Katrina Kaif, Disha Patani and Tabu.