Salman Khan, who hosts the current season of the TV reality show Bigg Boss 14, remembered the show's late talent manager Pista Dhakad in his latest Twitter entry. Pista Dhakad, who had also worked in reality shows like Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi and The Voice, reportedly died in a road accident. Salman Khan, who is hosting the reality show for the eleventh time, shared a throwback picture with Pista Dhakad and he wrote: "Rest in peace Pista." Other than Salman Khan, the makers of the reality show also paid tribute to Pista Dhakad before Saturday's Weekend Ka Vaar episode aired. The tribute had her picture with a message that read, "In Loving Memory Of Pista Dhakad, Our Rockstar...You will always be missed."
Read Salman Khan's tweet here:
Former Bigg Boss contestants like Jasmin Bhasin, Shehnaaz Gill, Himanshi Khurana, Kamya Panjabi and Yuvika Chaudhary also remembered Pista Dhakad. Jasmin Bhasin, who got evicted from the current season of Bigg Boss 14 last week, shared a picture of the tribute posted by the makers of the show before Saturday's episode and she wrote: "Pistu you were a real rockstar with a very bright future. Bro kyun chali gayi yaar. Not fair, will miss you so much. "
Devoleena Bhattacharjee also shared the screenshot of the tribute and wrote, "I am going to miss you...your smile, conversations...Pistu you are irreplaceable ."
Bigg Boss 13 contestant Shehnaaz Gill, in her eulogy for Pista Dhakad, wrote: "Such a joyful, vibrant, and a happy soul. You will be missed by everyone who's life you touched. RIP Pista."
Here's how Yuvika Chaudhary and other Bigg Boss contestants remembered Pista Dhakad:
Pista Dhakad's funeral took place in Kandivali, Mumbai on January 16 (Saturday). She was working with Endemol Shine for the last few years.