Actor Salman Khan, who was bitten by a non-venomous snake at his farmhouse in Panvel on Saturday night, revealed that the snake bit him for the third time following a commotion, reports news agency AFP. Salman Khan was bitten thrice by a non-venomous snake a day before his birthday and he was treated at a hospital in Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, from where he was discharged on Sunday morning. Speaking about how he tried to remove the snake from his farmhouse and ended up being bitten by the snake thrice, Salman Khan said that he "picked up the snake with a lot of love and brought it out, and the snake wrapped itself on the stick and then it started climbing upwards," reports AFP.
After the snake bit him twice, the local villagers gathered at the farmhouse and "screamed 'hospital, hospital, hospital', saying that I (the actor) should be taken to a hospital quickly. There was so much commotion, the snake was a bit venomous, and it bit me again," added Salman Khan, reports AFP.
After medical treatment for almost six hours, where the actor was administered with antivenom and kept under observation, Salman Khan returned to his farmhouse on Sunday morning and celebrated his 56th birthday with his family and friends.
Salman Khan, during an interaction with media after his discharge, shared that the snake that bit him survived the incident and has been taken safely back to the jungle.
On Monday, news agency ANI quoted Salman Khan as saying: "When I came back, we let go of the snake. My sister got really scared, so I clicked a picture with the snake for her. Saanp se dosti hogayi (made friends with the snake). My dad asked me ki kya hua? Saanp zinda hai? So, I said yes, tiger bhi zinda hai, saanp bhi zinda hai."
Salman Khan turned 56 on Monday. He is the star of films like Hello Brother, Biwi No 1, Dabangg, Radhe and Kick.
(With inputs from news agency AFP)