Years ago, it was reported that superstar Salman Khan will launch his bodyguard Shera's son Tiger in Bollywood. However, there was no follow-up on it. The news is trending again and Deccan Chronicle reports that Salman, 52, plans to launch Tiger soon as a lead hero of an action film, most likely after his brother-in-law Aayush Sharma's debut film Loveratri releases. "It was a promise Salman made to Shera when his son Tiger was born. Salman had picked up the newly born boy and said, 'Yeh hero banega. Main banaunga.' Shera thought it was a passing comment made in excitement on seeing the newly born. But as Tiger grew older Salman would frequently mention the boy's debut," source told Deccan Chronicle.
Shera has been Salman's trusted-aide for several years now. He was also seen on screen with Salman and Katrina Kaif in the title track 2011's Bodyguard.
"Of late Salman had become more resolute about Tiger's launch. He reassured Shera that Tiger would be launched right after Salman's brother-in-law Aayush Sharma's Loveratri is out," the source further told Deccan Chronicle. Loveratri, also starring Warina Hussain, releases during Dusshera.
Shera has assisted director Ali Abbas Zafar in Salman and Katrina's blockbuster Tiger Zinda Hai and according to the Deccan Chronicle report, he is currently prepping for his pre-launch activities.
"Salman will ensure Tiger's debut is as promising as Aayush's. Shera can give his life for Salman. This is the least Salman can do for him," a close friend of the actor told Deccan Chronicle.
Salman Khan is currently in the US for Dabangg Reloaded Tour. He was last seen in Race 3 and is expected to soon start filming Bharat.
This Article is From Jul 04, 2018
Salman Khan To Launch Bodyguard Shera's Son In Bollywood Soon: Reports
Salman Khan reportedly plans to launch Shera after Aayush Sharma's Loveratri releases
- Written by: Shruti Shiksha
- Entertainment
Jul 04, 2018 23:17 pm IST
Published On Jul 04, 2018 23:17 pm IST
Last Updated On Jul 04, 2018 23:17 pm IST
Salman Khan and Shera photographed in Mumbai
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