Samantha Ruth Prabhu is "back to shoot," however, she can't stop dreaming about a beach vacation. The actress, on Tuesday, posted a photo of herself and her makeup artists and shared what was going on in her mind on the set. In the photo, Samantha Ruth Prabhu can be seen sitting in a chair and sporting a black and white top and a matching skirt, which she paired with a denim jacket. She started her caption with an airplane, a sea wave, a sun, and a bikini icon and continued: "We wish. Reality: Back to shoot." Last year, Samantha and her husband Naga Chaitanya went to the Maldives for a relaxing getaway. The actor celebrated his birthday at the beach destination.
out Samantha Ruth Prabhu's latest post here:
Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya vacationed in the Maldives for over a week last year. She even shared stunning pictures of herself from the beach destination. Check them out here:
In terms of work, Samantha Ruth Prabhu has starred in films such as Oh! Baby, Majili, Ye Maaya Chesave, Rangasthalam, Neethaane En Ponvasantham, Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu, Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu and others.
She was last seen in Prime Video's web-series The Family Man 2, headlines by Manoj Bajpayee. Last year, talking about working with directors Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK for the series, Samantha had told news agency PTI: "For me, it is more about the script than who is part of it. It is about how challenging the role is and is it different from what I did before. It is a cherry on the cake (the success of the first part) ... because now for the most difficult role, it is coming with huge expectations and people are waiting to see it. I worked very hard for this role and it tested me both physically and emotionally. I am looking forward to season two."