Samantha Ruth Prabhu is currently busy shooting for her much-awaited film Kushi. The movie, by Shiva Nirvana, also stars Vijay Deverakonda in the lead role. Right now, team Kushi is shooting in Telangana. Pictures and videos from the sets of the film have surfaced online. A fan page has tweeted a set of happy pictures of Samantha arriving on the sets. She is looking stunning in a red saree. Don't miss that infectious smile. We can spot fans waiting to catch a glimpse of their favourite star. The note attached to the album read, “Today's glimpse from Kushi shoot shows how much people are loving and supporting our Samantha…while she walks in or appears from far… Smile says it. Forever Family's fav daughter of Telugu states #Telangana and #AndhraPradesh.”
In another video, Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Vijay Deverakonda are standing in the courtyard of what looks like a temple. It seems that the video was recorded during a pooja sequence. Samantha and Vijay greeted fans with a namaste.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu also interacted with some school girls and clicked selfies. In the clip, Samantha is seen hugging her little fans.
Kushi will hit the theatres on September 1. Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Vijay Deverakonda had earlier collaborated for Mahanati.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu will also be seen in the Indian version of Citadel. Varun Dhawan is also part of the spy-thriller series. It is created by The Family Man duo Raj and DK. Samantha and Varun were shooting in Serbia last month. The two were also part of the Russo Brothers' Citadel premiere in London. Priyanka Chopra, Richard Madden and Stanley Tucci are part of the series, which will return with the second season next year.