Sanya Malhotra is super-happy. Reason? She has collaborated with one of the greatest playback singers in Bollywood — Sundhi Chauhan. On Wednesday, the actress shared a fun workout video on Instagram dancing to Sunidhi's hit song Sheila Ki Jawani from Tees Maar Khan. Through her post, Sanya also revealed that her upcoming music video titled Aankh was set to drop today (December 5). Yes, Sunidhi has lent her vocals to the track. In the clip, Sanya pauses her dead hang exercise briefly to showcase her flawless moves, the million-dollar smile never leaving her face. “Sunidhi Chauhan, from dancing to her songs to finally dancing with her— can't wait! Stay tuned! 5th December,” read her side note.
Prior to that, Sunidhi Chauhan shared a glimpse of the music video by uploading a poster on Instagram. She shared the frame with Sanya Malhotra. Both dished out gothic queen vibes in black ensembles. Along with the post, Sunidhi wrote, “Catch your breath… the reveal is near! New track with Rusha and Blizza featuring Sanya Malhotra. Dropping on 5th December. Directed by Piyush Bhagat and Shazia Samji.”
Nearly a week ago, Sanya Malhotra teased her dream collaboration with Sunidhi Chauhan. She dropped a picture with the acclaimed singer on Instagram. They twinned in neon-green outfits.
Can't get enough of the upcoming song? Then take a look at these BTS glimpses from Aankh featuring a sizzling Sunidhi Chauhan and an alluring Sanya Malhotra.
Workwise, Sanya Malhotra's latest project Mrs was screened at the Indian International Film Festival (IFFI) in Goa. Directed by Arati Kadav, the film is the Hindi adaptation of the Malayalam movie The Great Indian Kitchen. The story centres around a married woman who realises her true identity while navigating her life in the kitchen. Mrs earned a standing ovation at IFFI. Elated at the honour, Sanya dropped a video on Instagram expressing her gratitude for “the incredible response and love”. More about it here.
Meanwhile, Sunidhi Chauhan is ready to enthrall the audience in Kolkata with her I Am Home tour on December 25.